Entries by Martin Sommer

The Costs of Not Moving to Modern Online Business Systems

Online business systems in the financial sector Modern online business systems for commercial property managers? There’s a common expression in commercial property management that real estate runs on spreadsheets. It’s true. There are four major categories in the financial investment sector: Banks Investment funds Insurance companies Real estate Of the four, real estate lags the […]

Calculating the CAMs (Common Area Maintenance)

Why is common area maintenance relevant? Commercial net lease cost recoveries are in the same order of magnitude as the base rent. Given that fact, three things are vital to determining the value of each lease and the property investment returns. Specifically, you need to know what these costs are, how they are calculated and […]

Commercial Landlord-Tenant Loans: Yes or No?

Landlords and property management companies don’t often employ commercial landlord-tenant loans during lease negotiations. In our experience, there are five main reasons for this. Here we break them down and investigate their validity. Additionally, we show ways that commercial landlords benefit from providing tenant financing options. Would you give a tenant financing? Ask commercial landlords […]

Business Systems: Entry-Level or Enterprise-Level?

So, you’re looking to improve your business systems and discovered there are more commercial property management software options than you thought possible. How does a smart executive choose? It’s essential to weigh price against capability, workflow and productivity gains. As a result, the most financially efficient system will become obvious. Let’s investigate this in detail. […]

How are Leasehold Improvements Accounted For?

What are leasehold improvements? Leasehold improvements are construction that is done to the premises a tenant is leasing to make the space functional for them. Depending on who pays for the improvements and who owns them, there are a variety of legal ways in which the costs are accounted for. Commercial tenants will want to […]

An Introduction to Commercial Net Leasing & Commercial Lease Software

Why should I be concerned with commercial lease software when it comes to commercial net leasing? Commercial lease software processes the complexities of commercial net leasing most efficiently and accurately. In this introduction to commercial net leasing, consider the challenges faced by landlords and how property management software makes them easier to overcome. What is […]